SEO Services and Digital Marketing

The financial potential of your website

What have you invested in your website? Are you aware of its return on your investment? Using tools such as a web audit, SEO analysis, or other product can provide insights into the financial potential of your website. 

When you invest in equipment for your practice, a reasonable return is expected. In this post, I’ll discuss how to assess your website’s current and future income potential. Consider rethinking your website investment and what it can deliver in financial results and what might be hurting its potential.

View your website as a virtual employee

Start envisioning your website as a trusted, key employee who is a strong advocate and a highly productive team member. Specifically, consider this employee an expert in sales, marketing, and customer support. Your goal should be to make your website as productive as your most valuable employees. One key difference: this employee works 24/7/365. It doesn’t need time off, vacation, or sick days. 

In this post, we’ll focus on the sales and marketing aspect. In another post we can discuss how to make your site handle important customer service functions.

Now that you see your site in a different light, let’s cover some of the keys to determining financial potential and increasing it!

Assessing financial potential of your website

The first step is to understand your website’s potential from a human user perspective and its underlying technology. (How the site is constructed). 

We typically start this process using our web audit tool which you can use at no cost. It is step one in learning where the strengths and weaknesses exist that may be preventing greater financial performance.

The Jambo Website Analysis Audit

What contributes to greater website visibility?

In the initial audit process, issues that could reduce the visibility of your website are uncovered.

Search engines have long lists of criteria to rate and rank your site, and its relevance to searchers includes content quality, speed to load the site, and how well the content is organized.

Well-organized content means it’s easier for a reader to find and digest. Extensive, high-quality page content can increase your website’s overall financial potential.

For example, if you are a healthcare practice, how much detail do you provide about your services, qualifications, or why you are an expert? If you’re only providing surface-level content that is brief and very similar to others in your industry, you’ll likely be ranked lower and operating in a “sea of sameness.”

The bottom line is that you’re less likely to be found on the first page of results than a competitor who has unique and more compelling page content. Try and think like your audience. What is it that they most want to know about your business?

Determining a website's financial potential

Determining your website’s value can be grouped into these categories:

  1. How much visitor traffic is coming to the site every month?
  2. How much visitor traffic converts to short-term or long-term financial value?
  3. How well is my website providing helpful customer service functions?

Our website audit provides specific information on how your site draws traffic and, based on that number, the expected value of that traffic.

Your estimated website traffic volume

Traffic volume is an estimate of the monthly organic search traffic that a website receives from a search engine such as Google. There are different analysis tools, each with its on  proprietary algorithms to make this estimate.

The estimates are based on the website’s keyword rankings, search volumes, and click-through rates which essentially means how much interaction occurs on your site. An interaction could be to download a document, signup for a newsletter, attend an event, etc.

These traffic estimates are a valuable metric to understand a website’s overall organic search traffic potential. (Organic search means free traffic vs. what you might buy in ads)

Your estimated website traffic value

Traffic value is an estimate of the monthly organic search traffic that a website receives from a search engine such as Google, multiplied by the estimated cost per click (CPC) for the same keywords in Google Ads.

This estimate is a valuable metric for understanding the potential financial value of the organic search traffic that a website receives. It estimates how much it would cost if a website were to acquire the same amount of traffic through paid search ads.

These estimates can provide valuable insights for SEO analysis and competitive research.


  1. You can begin to make an immediate, positive impact by improving the content of your site pages to convey your uniqueness in your industry. Focus on writing what sets you apart. Cover your services in more detail and highlight the expertise of your staff.
  2. Begin to view your website as a key employee with sales, marketing, and customer service skills. How can your site be more responsive to common questions and reduce phone traffic? Can you establish online scheduling? Do you have an appointment reminder system? A newsletter is another way to engage your existing and prospective audience.
  3. Analyze your website in terms of how well it performs these functions.
  4. Know your numbers. As you understand the revenue and expenses in your business, consider learning the same for your website. Understand traffic volume, what pages are being viewed most, and if there are broken pages causing errors.
  5. Use our free web audit to learn more about your site’s financial strengths and weaknesses. It can be a valuable start towards achieving greater economic benefits for your company.
Picture of Larry


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